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Category: About Troop 130

Why Should Your Son Join Troop 130?

A New Adventure, Every Month! The Scouts go on a monthly adventure of their choosing: from
canoeing to camping to hikes in the city and national parks to rock climbing to rifle and shotgun
marksmanship, the Scouts choose, plan, and run their activities with the support and supervision of the
adult leadership. We believe in ‘doing’ lots of fun and different activities vs doing the same thing year in
and year out. Earning badges is the natural outcome of participating in the adventures.
The Troop also has its own private campsite with a pond for fishing and hiking trails which provides
the troop and patrols with the opportunity to learn and practice Scout skills during our weekly meetings
as well as to camp close to home while still feeling like they are world away from Mendham.
Our Leaders: Tr 130 is led by exceptionally qualified and distinguished leaders with a strong Scouting
background many of whom are Eagle Scouts. Tr 130 welcomes any and all volunteers; we always have a
fun time when we get together and all leaders are encouraged to participate in all of the troop’s and
patrol’s activities. Here are some of our leaders:

 Lawrence Morris – Scoutmaster. An Eagle Scout, Lawrence was Mendham’s Pack 133’s Cubmaster
for five years. Lawrence is a graduate of Wood Badge, the BSA’s highest training course for adults,
and Membership Chair for Patriots’ Path Council.
 David Riley – Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM). A two-time den/assistant den leader and Rocket
Chairman in Pack 133; Dave is also a graduate of Wood Badge.
 Chris Harner – ASM. Chris is also a two-time den leader in Pack 133.
 Jack Kiefer – ASM. An Eagle Scout, Jack was Pack 133’s Cubmaster for several years prior to
Lawrence; Jack was also Scoutmaster.
 Jen Zervigon – ASM. In addition to being an ASM, Jen is also the Troop’s Advancement Chair
 John Furness – ASM. John served as an assistant den leader before becoming an ASM.
 Matt Darzano – ASM. Matt recently joined the Scoutmaster Corp
 Adam Maurer – ASM. An Eagle Scout, Adam is a former Pack 133 den leader; graduate of Wood
Safety-First Mindset: Troop 130 will provide a young man with the freedom to push his boundaries,
while parents can be confident about a safe environment while doing so. Transparency and safety are
the priority while providing the tools for Scouts to grow and have fun along the way. Parents are
encouraged and welcome to participate and be involved in any aspects of the troop.
Open and Friendly Culture: We believe all boys and volunteers are valued and welcomed. New ideas
are appreciated and embraced, and new traditions will be created, all while adhering to the guidelines
of the BSA.
Meetings: Troop 130 meets weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 -9pm on the beautiful campus of
our sponsor, the Community of St. John the Baptist (CSJB) at 88 West Main Street. The Scout-led
meetings focus on learning and practicing a wide range of skills, working together as a patrol (‘team’)
and having fun playing games.
Uniform and Gear: Ideally, it would be great if a Scout were to wear the full uniform, but a Scout shirt
will suffice. This can be purchased at the Scout Shop in Cedar Knolls. In terms of gear, a new Scout
would need a sleeping bag as well as backpack plus other gear. We can provide you with buying guides
and recommendations as well as help find gently used gear to help defray the cost.
Cost to Join: The annual fee covers the official BSA fees and required insurance as well as the
costs for the majority of the outings and activities. If trips cost above and beyond the usual fees, we will
communicate that to parents.
Want to learn more? If you would like to learn more about Troop 130 then come along to our next
meeting or monthly outing. Please email or text Suzy Markwick, Tr 130’s Recruiting Chair, at
[email protected] or 201.841.7248 to let her know you are coming and we will ensure a
Committee member is there to welcome you and answer any questions.

Ready to Join Now? Click here to Join us!

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Our history

In the fall of 2022, several families from within Mendham NJ and the surrounding towns came together to form a new BSA troop for boys. We have a simple but effective vision;

To develop leaders with an emphasis on integrity, with a strong mastery of outdoor skills, so they are Prepared. For life.

Additionally, we believe all boys and volunteers are valued and welcomed. New ideas are appreciated and embraced, and new traditions will be created, all while adhering to the guidelines of the BSA.

We are chartered by The Community of St. John Baptist in Mendham NJ. This is a fine organization that has similar values to the BSA. Our chartered organization has its own rich and wonderful history. They are located on the west side of town with a large piece of property and several buildings for the troop to use. We even have our own camp site.

The troop meets every Tuesday evening starting at 7:30 pm when school is in session. We have an exciting summer plan being set up by the scouts for the scouts! Come join us.

Contact us below.

More to come…

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